I have decided to embrace my grossness, my only other choice is to curl into a ball and pretend I don't exist. I still do not have a properly fitted ostomy apparatus so I find myself covered in shit or mucousy fluid at least 2-4 times a day. At first this made me sad but now, mostly, I am resigned to dealing with my fecal explosiveness, though it really kind of traps me at home for the most part. Eventually this situation will be resolved and honestly, I am still crawling out of my sludge filled existence, everyday is a little better with a side of "Damn it, I thought that was resolved" situation as one foot seems to slip back. This shit is challenging and I am not as bouncy as I have been in the past....The first person who laments my older age gets a knuckle sandwich, I have been bad before but like childbirth it is easy to block out the most painful times.
The pressure in my abdomen is improving, I started massaging my abdominal area and working gas out...Embrace the ick, I feel like I have scored points everytime I toot, as weird as that sounds.
Wish me luck.
Until next time ❤️
Pardon the intimate question, but on the subject of toots, I figured that you would no longer be able to expel gasses in that way, or via that route. May I be so bold as to enquire, how does it work now? Do you have enough clearance for aerosolized poop to squeak through? Or do you have to burp your ostomy like TupperwareTM? Feel free to ignore!