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Deep into the second week of RSO cancer protocol and sometimes I am almost normal but other times I am completely zombiefied. My butt crack ulcers are healing but I am now struggling with constipation, a whole other fun party when one has an ostomy. “Why?” You may ask, well, imagine my diverted intestines dip down into a human pea trap, weighed down by extremely gummy fecal sludge, the consistency of half frozen Xmas fudge. The weight in the said imagined human pea trap sends a message to my currently retired butthole “Sit down, must push!” I picture dogs feeling this way when a piece of a chewed up rope toy is dangling out of their butt holes, their hind end trying to sit but not quite getting there…Yeah, it feels like that, comfy. I calm my nervous system by rocking my whole body until it settles.
Today I talked to the pharmaceutical company who I will presumably be getting my immunotherapy through, answering a couple questions, giving them my address. The hoops I am jumping.
Thank the powers that be for “90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?,” a perfect show to zone out to as I work on feeling better and wait for my next western medicine round, mainly from my couch…Thus far, THOUGH I did walk Ruby Sue with Charles and walked myself to the post office, so baby steps I am taking, once again.
I wish it would rain.
I wish they would stop pipe line 3.
I wish for anyone who reads this to have a good day.
Until next time ❤️