It’s always a bit of a let down after such a big build up the few days after Xmas, at least for me. Even though our holiday festivities have become quite small and intimate I still am feeling this way…It could be the fevers, they wear me down along with the minuscule house labor and cooking I did, I admit, it’s kinda got me a little low. Though side note: my beef and barley crockpot stew was 🔥 AND is all gone, clear proof that good things don’t last, ha! This all being said, Xmas was a relatively nice day despite the fevers and low energy and even with my physical issues, was better than the last two years at this time so…Progress? 😜
When you have a longer bout of cancer or really any chronic ailment, there is an ebb and flow. I have noticed that with the seasons, so go my symptoms. I am sure we are meant to feel this tide in our bodies but often suppress these natural feelings to maintain our unnatural way of living. Before the invention of the lightbulb people didn’t work past dark, at least that’s what some documentary taught me. Can you imagine if we actually lived how the seasons encourage us to? We would get a lot more sleep.
I just bought season 13 “Rupaul‘s Drag Race” there is a contestant on this season who is my age and has stage 3 colon cancer. They just admitted to having an ostomy but not trying to get special treatment. Girrrl, I see you and I feel you, it takes some effort to present as a normal, unaltered, non cancer battling person, respect.
Charles was approached by a podcast to do an interview based on his experience of being a caregiver to me (I cringe a little bit at the idea that I need a caregiver but swallow that nonsense and move on) I will attach a link if you want to listen, I think it’s really interesting even if I am very familiar with the subject matter, maybe you will too.
Until next time ❤️
Great podcast. Did you know that in medieval times, people used to go to bed with the sun, even in the winter times, but then they'd get up in the middle of the night, light some lamps or candles and go wandering around the village, gossiping with friends, family and neighbors, having snacks, telling jokes, sharing a laugh, checking in on projects (like that barrel of fermenting apples), or the livestock (if any), and whatever else they could do by candlelight? I think it had a name, this period of time. I'mma go look for it! Sounds nice and cozy.
It's always a let-down after a big holiday, even if you think what you did was "miniscule." LOL. You created a meal! You celebrated a holiday! What I have learned from the aging process is that I need to respect my mind and body's urge for downtime. I'm transitioning into a different season of life. Then there is the overlay of the seasons outside our windows and the ups and downs within our physical bodies.
Whether we call it "dreamtime" or downtime, winter is special. The garden rests, we can too. Hugs, and thank you as ever for your beautiful insights.