Nineteen years ago today I married my best friend of 13 years and haven’t looked back unless it was to talk about how fun our wedding was. For someone who made everyone refer to their impending nuptials as a party (the concept of marriage was a bit terrifying to me) I have no regrets. I do however miss a lot of the people who have since exited their mortal coils but I am glad to still be with my person. Even as broken as I have been, Charles continues to stuff my holes (giggity 😜) and super glue my chipped pieces back on for me.
We usually like to be at the beach on our anniversary, often ending the evening watching John Carpenter’s “The Fog” but Covid and cancer have been a bit of a bitch so stay at home we have chosen to do. The timing works out though, I have mentioned the coloring story book that my husband and I have collaborated on and we are finally ready to approve the final formatting and send our work to be published. To say that it was work is an understatement, for me dealing with my cancer and nausea issues which have had me couched for days on end…it was a slog. It’s pretty challenging drawing when you feel sick, let alone drawing on a screen when your whole body feels like it wants to throw up for hours on end BUT…I did it! I will always feel that I could have done a better job but I still love what we have done! Charles’ stories, much like him, are weird, gross and adorable and written to the 8 year olds in both of us, we are excited to share what we have done very soon!
We ate pizza today, the 6th day in a row I have eaten like a semi normal person! I still have a bit of nausea but it doesn’t take over my life, a relief. When your doctor worries that you are losing too much weight, that is never a good thing. To look forward to eating is wonderful instead of fantasizing about a feeding tube (at my worst, I actually did.) I still have to eat smaller meals but this is so much better than the alternative of eating a full yogurt over the course of an hour and hopefully finishing it. Knock on wood I can sustain this.
Until next time ❤️
Wishing you both lots of love and joy on this happy anniversary!