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Writer's pictureKara Muir

A change of view.

Updated: Jan 1

Last Saturday Charles, our friend Rob and I set off to the Oregon Short Film Festival in The Dalles, Oregon. My aunt agreed to watch my dogs and this was the first time I had gone anywhere out of town overnight without them since before Covid and beyond, so thanks to her we were off on an adventure! Charles’ short film “A History Of Worry” inspired by our cancer experience and filmed in Rome Italy had been nominated for “Best Experimental Micro Film” and we were excited! I also found out there was a Taco Time in The Dalles and since I really enjoy trying out of town Taco Times, I was stoked (we all have our kinks 😜.)

After checking into our hotel we all headed to pick up Taco Time per my weird insistence and take our haul to eat outside of the winery, a super cool venue that was in an old mill and was also a drive-in theater. Full disclosure, the Super Soft beef taco was lacking but now I know not to believe 4 star reviews about any food establishments in small towns…We were misled a couple times on this trip but Portland is known for their food so we must have more refined palettes (that sounded so snobby but…It’s kind of true.) Anyway, we proceeded in, masks on our faces and entered this cool venue. At first there weren’t many people but it filled up relatively quickly, some people dressed in finery, others like us, PNW comfortable. We sat in one of the varied vintage couches that were arranged in the space, movie makers trying to meet someone that might further their careers in some way I imagine. One woman approached us and asked what Charles’ movie was about “A movie based on a husbands experience of his wife’s cancer.” She interrupted “So a comedy?” Charles just nodded with his mouth in a slightly amused tight smile “Ummm, yea, ha!” She moved on shortly thereafter. There was a professional photographer taking photos of the movie people in front of a back drop and then the awards ceremony started in a large back room. When Charles’ name was announced along with “Winner” he dreamily walked towards the emcee and gave a fine speech ending with “…Inspired by my wife who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer…” Insert attentive silence here, “Someone who moves, even through her sickness…” The audience focused, waiting to hear about my brave death “…AND she’s right over there!” I suddenly felt like I was under a 10 foot microscope as everyone gasped and focused in on me, to which I did my bow/curtsy with a flourish move and quickly wiped away my tears when they turned away. I knew he would win. We ended the evening there with a small popcorn (well, I did) and watched a few of the movies including Charles’ until we needed to leave to get real food before the sleepy town closed everything for the night. We returned to home earlier the next day but it was a refreshing adventure and good news for once.

Here is a link to Charles’ award winning movie if you would like to see it:

The day before Halloween this year I also did a thing. I had been asked by a friend to film a weird performance (my specialty) for an upcoming air guitar awards show. As I had been super sick and not able to do anything I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to fulfill my obligation but due to finally eating again and getting my nausea to a manageable level I shot something (well, Charles filmed it) the day before it was due. I am quite proud of it and how I was feeling as I performed. I gave him weird and I gave him fierce. It felt really good and I am glad I was able to make it.

I have to keep hammering out my coloring book pages!

Until next time ❤️

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Jessica Dover
Jessica Dover
Nov 09, 2021

Hell yeah she is!!!🤘🎸👩🏼‍🎤

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