I have to note these kind of days when they come, just like I note to myself when my body feels right. I saw some good friends today (social distance style and thankfully not Zoom) which was some much needed soul medicine. I took a long walk with Charles and my dog Ruby Sue and felt relatively normal doing it! Note, note, note, I scribble this into the ether so that I can remember what this feels like, so I can look forward to more of this. Intention setting is helpful and it works for me.
Charles (my husband) reminded me that it was his dads birthday today, his dad who I called “Mister” died in 2001in a car accident. I totally forgot about his birthday but he had been on my mind lately. I often think about lost loved ones and include them in conversations, wonder if I will see them again. I thought about this before I was diagnosed with a serious illness but more so now. Happy birthday Mister, you are never forgotten, just your birthday is, like when you were still corporeal, I blame it on January and the subsequent Xmas PTSD, ha! Anyway, you are missed but I am suspecting you tried to influence me to buy that bag of Reese’s Peanut Butter cups the other day you old devil (he once delivered peanut butter cups to me when I was sick and alone at my apartment across town because he thought I needed the protein, he was not a nutritionist but he could be as big of a sweetheart as he was a butthead) I resisted the purchase but maybe I will get them next time...For Mister of course 😉
The biopsy came back regarding my butt wounds, thankfully there was no cancer detected in those areas, a definite relief. My wound nurse cut open my right sided wound that had closed up and my fevers have diminished for now. I have added Oregano Oil to my regimen for the next few weeks, it is a natural anti-biotic and has showed some effectiveness on tumors in some studies.
I made a video from my bathtub if you want to hear my thoughts as well as read them, don’t worry, there is no nudity!
I hope you had a good day.
Until next time ❤️