I am not going to lie, this latest surgery has figuratively knocked me on my ass and then when I landed on said ass it reminds me that having someone scrape out abscesses on both sides of the butt crack with what feels like one of those electric knives that everyone used to carve their turkeys in the 80’s with is never gonna feel good, at least for awhile. I hope this time it changes up my “Will they won’t they” situation with this chronic infection, I really want my energy back! Wubby wubby, here I am whining again, blergh.
I am back on the chemotherapy, I kind of tried to get out of it but my oncologist twisted my nipples and sprinkled on a little guilt “I would feel anxious if you didn’t. You are so healthy right now, your tumor markers are very low, the cancer is stable, I don’t want 3 months down the line for you not to be healthy and to not be able to give you the chemo then. Besides, it’s baby chemo, I am hardly giving you any!” 😳 Also “Eat more protein and you will feel better!” Gah, fine 🙄 She makes me feel like a belligerent teenager but I relented. She also prescribed 3 iron infusions, I am anemic due to my surgery, hopefully this will give me back some fire, god knows I need it, the snow is literally falling as I type this.
Today I saw my Radiation doctor for a 6 month follow up and to check in about my “Final frontier...” You know, my vagina and the fact that I still have not applied the dialators to my potentially shrinking violet, radiation can have some weird side effects. She told me I was good and she isn’t worried that I will close up like a scared oyster but encouraged me to keep working towards the goal of that NOT happening...It is a challenge when your whole undercarriage has issues, if I had to assign a state to it I would have to say Florida, it has been a swampy, humid land with danger and craziness lurking around every corner. If I dropped a gator in the toilet I would not be surprised.
It‘s not all bad, though I am worried about snowpocalypse and how I am going to get to my appointment at the hospital tomorrow to get my chemo pump off but I will figure that out, fingers crossed.
As Valentine’s Day is this weekend I wanted to say happy Valentine’s Day to you, I hate the pressure that this holiday can put on people but I appreciate the sentiment of spreading love and so here I am...I am spreading love on you like strawberry jam on sourdough toast 😘
Until next time ♥️