What's better than one abscess? Seriously, it's almost funny that after the left side erupts the right had to show that it was cooler and grow a bigger puss mountain. Thankfully both mounds have opened and are draining freely now...Party in my pants is no exaggeration 🙄
I feel as good as I can right now considering I am a walking pustule...At least that's what it feels like at times, though my ooze has been less abundant than it has been in the past...Better out than in.
I really hope my tumor goes away and my wounds heal. I know I have said this before and forgive me for repeating myself but it's a dream and I really long for this to happen. If you can dream it you can be it! Amiright?! 😜
I worked a little on my mosaic today and hope to spend more time on it this weekend, I really love it! Hopefully I will have it finished by next week.
Gonna wrap this post up, hopefully I will have more interesting insights next week, ha!
Until next time ❤️